As societies contemplate contemporary realities and ways of improving the quality of lives, it happens that traditional structures of governance and institutions also explore competing options for effective interventions. Emerging socioeconomic realities and technological advancements have created new possibilities and pressures as well. However, the interrelatedness of societal existential challenges and the imperative of preserving social order encourages cross-disciplinary scholarly inquiries and orientation. Consequently, a shared dedication to interdisciplinarity in solution–driven inquiries on contemporary and existential issues foregrounds a pioneering Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
FMS was thrust with the mandate of coordinating through the departments, the postgraduate studies for the awards of degrees in various programmes offered across four interdisciplinary research Centers of Excellence and one institute: Center for Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law (CPEEL); Center for Sustainable Development (CESDEV); African Regional Center in Information Science (ARCIS); Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities (CBMH); and the Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS).
With a commitment to collaborative scholarship, the faculty continues to explore new frontiers of intellectual engagements that enrich teaching, research and community service for sustainable solutions. Thank you, and once again, welcome.
Professor P. C. Obutte (Dean)
LL. B (Ibadan), B.L, LL. M (Ife), Cert. Antitrust (Fordham), Sp.LL. M, LL. D (Oslo).
Email: pc.obutte@ui.edu.ng, pcobutte@gmail.com
Phone: +2348082031221